Account Overview

Account Overview

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Please note: Balance Pro does not sync with your bank accounts. Any accounts you add is managed by you—just like a traditional checkbook register.

How to Add an Account

1. From the Accounts tab, tap the green plus button in the bottom right of the screen.

2. Enter your account details.

  • Name: Add the name of the account.
  • Balance: Enter the current balance of your account. This will be your initial starting balance and you can enter transactions into this account from this moment forward.
  • Type: Select the type of account, like savings, checking, etc.
  • Currency: Each account can have it’s own currency. Select the primary currency your account is most often used for.
  • Note: This is a note field for you to add any additional details you may need.

How to Delete an Account

1. From the Accounts tab, tap on the edit button in the top right corner of the screen.

2. Tap the delete button on the account you want to delete.

Warning: Deleting an account will delete all the transactions inside the account. This action is irrevocable.

How to Edit an Account

1. From the Accounts tab, tap on the edit button in the top right corner of the screen.

2. Tap the edit button on the account you want to edit.

How is the All Accounts Total Calculated?

At the top of the accounts screen there is a calculation of the total of all your accounts in your primary selected currency. For example, if one of your accounts is in "USD - United States Dollar" and another account is in "GBP - Pound Sterling", the total at the top of the screen will only show the total of your primary currency selection. This selection can be found in on the Settings screen.

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