Add a Bill

Add a Bill

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

How to Add a Bill

1. Tap on the Bills tab.

2. Tap on the green plus button at the bottom right of your screen.

3. Enter your bill details. The only required fields are: name, amount, and due date.

  • Name: Enter the name of this bill.
  • Amount: Enter the monitary amount of this bill.
  • Due Date: Choose the next due date for this bill.
  • Category: For reporting and organization, select a category.
  • Currency: Each bill can have its own currency.
  • Pay From: You may select an account from which this bill will deduct from once it is marked as paid. This will automatically create a transaction in the account that you select if you enable this option.
  • Repeat: If you’d like to set up this bill to repeat at specific intervals, enter it here.
  • Auto Pay: If enabled this bill will mark itself as paid on its due date.
  • Note: This note field is for any additional details you may want to add.

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