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Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

Maximizing Tax Savings: Why Small Business Owners Should Write Off Business Expenses

Maximizing Tax Savings: Why Small Business Owners Should Write Off Business Expenses

As a small business owner, it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity to reduce your tax liability and save money.

Debit vs Credit: Bookkeeping 101

Debit vs Credit: Bookkeeping 101

Bookkeeping relies on debits and credits to ensure that a company's financial records are balanced. Debits are used to increase asset or expense accounts, while decreasing liability, revenue or equity accounts. Credits do the opposite.

The Best Tips on How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Your 1099 Income

The Best Tips on How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Your 1099 Income

It's no secret that taxpayers often wish for a loophole that could magically reduce their tax payments to zero.

How To Transfer Funds from PayPal to Your Bank Account

How To Transfer Funds from PayPal to Your Bank Account

Transferring funds from PayPal to your bank account is a relatively straightforward process. Keep reading to learn more about how to do it safely and securely.

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