Last updated:
November 6, 2023
Table of Contents:
1. Tap on the Bills tab.
2. Tap on the green plus button at the bottom right of your screen.
3. Enter your bill details. The only required fields are: name, amount, and due date.
1. Navigate to the Bills tab in the app
2. Tap the edit button in the top right corner of the screen
3. Tap the edit button on the bill you would like to edit
4. Tap Done in the top right corner when finished
Navigate to the Bills tab and tap on the bill you'd like to mark as paid. You will be given the option to mark the bill as paid along with the amount and date.
1. Navigate to the Bills tab
2. Tap the edit button in the top right corner of the screen
3. Tap the delete button on the bill you'd like to delete
4. A pop-up will appear with some options. Choosing "Selected Bill" will delete the single bill you selected to delete. Choosing "All Future Bills" will delete the single bill you selected and all future repeating bills for this bill item.
If a bill has the Auto Pay option enabled, the bill will mark itself as paid on its due date. This is a helpful feature if you have Auto Pay set up on a bill that is always due on the same day of the month.
The task of scanning numerous new receipts or sorting through your existing collection of invoices can be time-consuming and expensive. Luckily, receipt organizer software provides an efficient solution for storing and organizing your receipts digitally.
Are you dreaming of a well-deserved vacation but struggling to save up for it? Saving money can be a challenge, especially when it comes to funding your dream getaway. However, with the right strategies and a little discipline, you can make your vacation dreams a reality.
We explore various strategies and financial considerations to help you find a home that not only suits your needs but also aligns with your financial capabilities.
Both small businesses and individuals are legally required to retain receipts and invoices for a minimum of seven years. Typically, this meant stacks of papers on your desk or in filing cabinets, which took up a lot of space but served little another purpose than to sit there and store documents.