Importing Transactions

Importing Transactions

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

It is important that you upload accurate information for the import process to be successful. Please be sure to double-check your upload file before upload. There's no bulk deleting of transactions in Balance Pro. If you upload 100 transactions and they are wrong, you'll have to delete those one-by-one manually.

Please note: After you have imported your transactions, navigate to the account and verify the import. If you do not see any transactions imported it means your upload CSV file is incorrect.

Upload Fields and Requirements (Limit 1,000 items)

Field Name



More Details

Name (Required)



Short name of the transaction.

Date (Required)


11/14/2022 3:31:00 PM

The time is optional, but recommended.

Amount (Required)



Can be a positive or negative number. For negative numbers, include a hyphen (-) in front of the number. The number should have 2 decimal places.

Type (Required)


Deposit (+)

Must be one of the following: Credit (+), Debit (-), Deposit (+), Expense (-), Income (+), Incoming Transfer (+), Outgoing Transfer (-), Payment (-), Purchase (-), Withdrawal (-).

Cleared (Required)



Must be either "yes" or "no" (without quotes)

Category (Required)



Must be one of the following categories:
Business, Clothing, Debt, Education, Entertainment, Gifts & Donations, Groceries, Health & Fitness, Hobbies, Housing, Income, Insurance, Kids, Loan, Medical, Office & Business, Other, Personal Care, Pets, Phone & Internet, Professional Services, Restaurants, Savings & Investments, Shopping, Transfer, Transportation, Travel, Utilities, Vacation

Color Tag (Required)



Must be one of the following: None, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow.

Notes (Optional)


This is a note.

Short text accompanying the transaction.

Receipt Photo (Optional)


Must be an HTTPS link to a jpg or png.

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